Why I fell in love with the Marquise cut Diamond, here is the story.

Part of the uniqueness of the Lucy Malika collection is not just the beauty and essence in every piece of jewelry, but the stories behind them as well. One of the diamond cuts in the collection is the Marquise diamond. This cut is inspired by the lips of the King Louis XV of France’s mistress. They met at a masked ball in Versailles where King Louis XV met his mistress Jean Antoinette Poisson. His love for her grew where she became his chief mistress and she even became part of his court and took on the name Marquise de Pompadour. Because of her influence on his court and her love for the arts, King Louis was inspired to have a jeweler create a design based on her lips, a design that stood the test of time. This cut creates a beautiful balance that shows the depth of its symmetry and its vulnerability and delicateness at the edges of the cut. This elegance can be found in numerous pieces with this marquise cut wherein those who wear this cut can still be in touch with that same beauty and elegance that Marquise de Pompadour held, which also stole the heart of King Louis XV.

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